Products meeting the search criteria
Cocci-Geel by Pantex is a highly effective treatment for trichomoniasis, hexamitiasis (Canker) and C..
10% Tricho-Cure + 100g (ronidazole 10%) by Travipharma, for the treatment and prevention of protozoa..
Adeno Extra Mix by DAC is a broad-spectrum treatment of salmonellosis, coccidiosis and bacteria..
Amoxicillin 10% - 100g powder is for prevention and treatment of E-Coli, Salmonella (paratyphoid), a..
Amoxy-Tyl 100gr is a highly effective combination antibiotic against respiratory infections, ornitho..
Bio Sac 100gr - probiotic - by Zoopan is a high quality probiotic specifically designed for Racing P..
Bio Sac WS 100gr by Zoopan is a probiotic intended to promote the development of s..
Cocci-Tricho-Mix 100gr - by Travipharma Water soluble powder to treat Trichomoniasis and Coccidiosis..
Coccimir 100gr by Zoopan is product very efective for treatment and preventive of coccidiosis, the a..
Coli-stop 100g by Giantel is a water soluble powder containing trimethoprim and sodium sulfadiazine,..
Colimix 100gr by Pantex is indicated against colibacillosis and in cases of Adeno-coli. Antibiotic, ..
Dacostatin by DAC,for treating of fungal infections like Candidiasis, Moniliasis and Aspergillosis i..
Doxy-Tyl is the perfect blend of Doxycycline and Tylosin for the treatment of upper and lower respir..
Doxycycline 10% Powder 100gr by Romvac for the treatment of respiratory problems in pigeons, l..
Doxycycline 20% Powder 100gr for the treatment of respiratory problems in pigeons, like ornith..
Showing 1 to 15 of 45 (3 Pages)